Sarnia Charitable Gaming Association

During the year of COVID almost a million dollars has been distributed to our member charities. These funds have been put to good use in our communities in the Sarnia Lambton area. Our charities play a significant role in the betterment of our community. Be assured that this is achieved through the support of local sports and athletic programs, animal welfare programs, agricultural societies and other community based groups, many varied service clubs and their programs and projects both locally and internationally, local school volunteer based support programs, family support programs, medical support groups as well as medical research initiatives, early childhood programs, seniors centre programs, community adult support programs and financial support to make many community programs affordable to all.

Homepage Highlight - A cascade of bingo balls.


Events and Updates


The Community Services Recovery Fund is a $400 million investment from the Government of Canada to support charities and non-profits as they focus on how to adapt their organizations for pandemic recovery.

More info can be found on the official website including how to apply:

Your group may or may not qualify but wanted to share with you, in case you were not aware of the opportunity.

Volunteer Training

We have recently introduced Online Training for new volunteers. Volunteer training is a 2 Step Process:

Step One

Online Training Module

The trainee must read the AODA document prior to starting the Online training. The AODA Document is available on the Association’s website. After the trainee completes the online portion (click the button below), the bingo coordinator for your organization will be notified by e-mail that the trainee is now eligible to do Step 2.

Online Training

Step Two

Shadowing an Experienced Volunteer

The trainee does not take the place of one of the two regular volunteers. Shadowing is for the full Assignment time and the Shadowing Checklist must be completed. You will have three volunteers on duty: two regular volunteers plus the trainee.

The Shadowing Checklist contains a list of tasks that must be completed during the Shadowing Session. The Trainee will gain experience to do each task confidently and independently.

Forms and Resources

Below are the different forms and documents that are used in cGaming. Documents are provided from the Ontario Charitable Gaming Association, the Sarnia Charitable Gaming Association, and the City of Sarnia.

Sarnia Charitable Gaming Association

Participation Requirements

Charitable Organizations benefit directly from the growth in revenues and player base at the Charitable Gaming Centres. As partner, Charitable Organizations are required to promote the centre and participate in initiatives developed by the Association to the best of their ability. In order to foster growth and support the centre and the Association Charitable Organizations, some participation is required. Charitable Organizations must, at minimum complete two of the following participation requirements during a twelve-month period (Jan to Dec – Each Year). Failure to comply within prescribed timeframes will result in financial and escalation policies outlined in B.11 and C.11 of the Policies and Standards and may result in removal from the Association membership.

Gaming Center Logo Downloads

An Icon of a File JPEG File Format
An Icon of a File PNG File Format

Must complete at least 2 of the Participation Requirements listed

  • Plan / participate in a charity event at the centre
  • Host an off-site cheque presentation with the Assoc. (their AGM, event, etc.
  • Attend or host a photo-op / chq presentation / media event at the centre
  • Reference the centre in Media Articles (Newspaper, Local News, etc.)
  • Tag the centre on Social Media posts
  • Promote the centre in publications (Newsletter)
  • Gaming Centre logo / site recognition on the organization’s website
  • Gaming Centre logo on the organization’s letterhead
  • Gaming Centre logo on their materials (poster / brochure / program / etc.)

Assignment Schedule

Assignment schedules have been provided to each organization by Maureen Leckie please check your emails. For your convenience we have provided a link here for you to view the schedule through our site.

Charity Fundraising Events

As per the Policies and Standards for Charities Manual, the Sarnia Charitable Gaming Association must conduct at least six charity related player acquisition events in a calendar year (Charity Nights, Fundraiser Nights, Volunteer Appreciation Nights, etc.). Charity Events are an excellent way to introduce Charity Members, Family and Friends to Charitable Gaming, and at the same time earn money for your organization. Charity/Fundraising Nights for the Sarnia Charitable Gaming Association are held in the months of January, March, May, June, September and November and occur on the last Wednesday of the Month – 7:00 session. Participating Charities have raised over $15,490 from Charity Events.

Upcoming Events

Charity Fundraising Events have been paused due to COVID-19. Information will be made available once the pandemic is over.

Association Members

SCGA Partners

Jackpot City Logo
OLG Logo
City of Sarnia Logo